Aspose.PDF 24.2

Now the latest version is 24.03. All changes are made for it and will be in version 24.04. Subsequent changes after this will be in version 24.05 and so on.

Dear Aspose Team/@sergei.shibanov ,

image.png (38.9 KB)
I tried with latest version of Aspose PDF - 24.4 , but still getting same issue for generating PDF (PDF file is not opening/corrupted).

image.png (65.3 KB)

Could you please confirm the changes (BindOldXML) implemented or not with -24.4 ?

Thanks & Regards,
Manish Kushwaha

Nothing new for this task yet. Created tasks are solved in the order they are received, taking into account priorities.
The highest priority is for tasks with paid support, followed by tasks from users who have purchased a license.
The time it takes to solve problems can also vary. Therefore, unfortunately, it is not even possible to give ETA.

Dear Aspose Team/@sergei.shibanov ,
I assume that if I go with paid service / license of ASPOSE PDF then the highlighted issues (task - PDFNET-56786 & PDFNET-56895 ) will be fixed soon/coming release . Please confirm.

Thanks & Regards,
Manish Kushwaha


I repeat once again - increasing the priority means that the task will be dealt with immediately, but does not mean that it will be solved quickly. There are quite complex problems that take a lot of time to solve. But with a higher priority, the task will be solved earlier than it would have been solved if it remained at the current priority.

AGAIN - I would request you to please reply / confirm in Bollean (Yes/No) for my query so that can initiate for paid service / license.
QUERY - I assume that if I go with paid service / license of ASPOSE PDF then the highlighted issues (task - PDFNET-56786 & PDFNET-56895 ) will be fixed ASAP (upcoming release 24.5 or next ) . Please confirm.

Thanks & Regards,
Manish Kushwaha

